Seminar and Symposium

Seminar / Symposium / Scientific Work Shop.

The Institute conducts Seminars / Symposiums through out the year. It is the part and parcel of the curriculum of P. G. Courses & it has its own popularity as many of the dignitories, participate in the Seminars. So far about 10000 Homoeopathic Doctors and teachers have participated in the Seminars arranged by the college. Seminars were also arranged at Ernakulam, (Kerala), Vijaywada (A.P.), Assam, Gujrat, Kolkata, and also at college campus. So far 153 Seminars have been organised by the College.

Apart from Homoeopathy practitioners and teachers the following degnitories attended the Seminars arranged by the college to update their knowledge as also to exchange their views ,and guide the new comers in the field. The dignitories are Dr. D. P. Rastogi (Delhi), Dr. Mahendra Singh(Kolkata),Dr.V.C.Acharya(Kanpur),Dr.M. Handique(Assam),Dr.Udchankar (Karnatka)etc.

List of DKMM HMC Seminars.

Dakshin Kesari Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical

College & Hospital, Aurangabad.

Seminar No. Date

Date Seminar No. Speaker Topic
28th Dec 2001 1. Dr. Smeer Shah Arteriosclerosis
2. Dr. Mrs. Shah Management of arteriosclerosis
3. Dr. D.P. Rastogi Evolution of Repertory & Beger Boenninghausen’s repertory
19th July 2002 1. Dr. Kishor Mehata Holistic approach in Homoeopathy
20th July 2002 1. Dr. Kasim Chimthanwala Organon and Newly added Holistic Concept in M.D. syllabus
2. Dr. Adil Chimthanwala Cardiology and Homoeopathic Therapy
3. Dr. Adil Chimthanwala Portrait of Natrum mur.
4. Dr. Tambe Portrait of Natrum mur.
5. Dr. Tambe L.M. Potencies
6. Dr. Mahadeb De L.M. Potencies
24th August 2002 1. Dr. D.P.Rastogi Synthesis Repertory, Synthetic Repertory, Mac Repertory, Murphy’s Repertory, B.B.CR. & T.P.B.
25th August 2002 1. Dr. Girendra Pal Casetaking – Do’s & Don’t’s while case taking miasms.
1st Dec 2002 1. Dr. Nitu Mandke How to save our heart & Surgery for coronary artery advanced sinerio.
9th Dec 2002 1. Dr. Sunny Mathew Allergic Conditons
2. Dr. Narsimha Rastogi History of Medicine
3. Dr. Ghanshymbandam Thyroirodism
10th Dec. 2002 1. Dr. Chkraborthy Thyroid diseorders
2. Dr. Srinathrao E.N.T. Case Presentation
3. Dr. Lalit Verma Rhustox & Pulsatilla case
4. Dr. Shripad Hegde Inflammatory Bowel disorder
5. Dr. H.T.Gholap Liner disorder drugs chelidonium & Nux Vomica
11th Dec 2002 1. Dr. Suresh Tathe Bronchial Asthma
2. Dr. Chudhari Logic of Homoeopathy
3. Dr. Kothe How to teach HMM (from Ist year to Final year Guideline)
12th March 2003 1. Dr. D.P. Rastogi Teaching Repertory at P.G. level
2. Dr. Das Gupta Basic preliminaries in cardiology
3. Dr. G.R. Mohan Approach to skin disease
4. Dr. R.Y. Nadaf Spider group
5. Dr. Vaishnav Scientific approach to homoeopathic Materia Medica
6. Dr. Hegde Light on management of AIDS
7. Dr. Nadaf The fascinating world of the web spiders
8. Dr. D.P. Rastogi Knerr’s Repertory
9. Dr. Das Gupta Basic information’s about ECG
10. Dr. Khanaj Importance of study of Dr. C.M. Bogre’s Repertory
11. Dr. Jawahar Shah HOMPATH
12. Dr. Praveen Kumar Materia Medica
13. Dr. Ambulgekar Importance of study of allied subject to homoeopathy
13th March 2003 1. Dr. Pargaonkar Heart disease
2. Dr. Rastogi Sir Repertory
3. Dr. Dasgupta Sir Medicine
4. Dr. Hivre Sir Research on Belladonna on Fish
14th March 2003 1. Dr. G.R. Mohan Medicine
2. Dr. R.Y. Nadaf HMM
3. Dr. Vaishnav HMM
4. Dr. Narsimarao Organon
5. Dr. Hegde Medicine
15th March 2003 1. Dr. Khanaz Repertory
2. Dr. Rastogi Repertory
3. Dr. Dasgupta Medicine
4. Dr. Pravin Kumar HMM
16th March 2003 1. Dr. Jawahar Shah Computer & Repertory
2. Dr. Sonny Mathew HMM
3. Dr. Shrinivasrao HMM
4. Dr. Ambulkgekar Medicine
5. Dr. Upadhyay Organon
28 July 2003 1. Dr. Lalit Chakraborthy NIDDM
Aug 2003 1. Dr. Manohar Prasad AIDS
29th Aug 2003 1. Dr. Mahendra Singh How Organon Has buildup by Dr. Hahnemann
2. Dr. S.N. Pattan Man In Health
3. Dr. Arvind Kothe Evolution of HMM
4. Dr. V.R. Kawishwar Organon – General Consideration
5. Dr. Pattan Man In Diseases
6. Dr. Mahendra Singh Evolution of Organon
7. DR. D.P. Rastogi Complete Repertory & Murphy Repertory
8. Dr. S.M.Singh Mental disease with their applied aspects and clinical aspects
9. Dr. Pannalal de Homoeopathy & immunology
10. Dr. Kurup Shridhar Doctor – Patient Relationship
11. Dr. S.M.Singh Role of Nosodes
12. Dr. Shrinathrao Migraine
9th Dec 2003 1. Dr. Rajendran Organon of Medicine
21st Feb 2004 1. Dr. S.M.Desarda PG Education & Research in homoeopathy
2. Dr. D.P. Rastogi Guide lines for writing dissertation
3. Dr. Eswara Das Research Orientation in PG Education
4. Dr. S.M.Singh Development of Homoeopathy
5. Dr. Sudheer P.D. How to make Dissertation
6. Dr. S.P.S. Bakshi Importance of Homoeopathy in world
12th April 2004 1. Dr. Panigrahi History of Medicine
2. Dr. Ankushe Sir Biostatistics
3. Dr. Udchankar M.U. Importance of Paediatrics Therapeutics
13th April 2004 1. Dr. Kale Ananad Psychiatrics disorders
2. Dr. Jaggannathan Homoeopathy & surgery
14th April 2004 1. Dr. Lalit boran Chakraborthy Clinical Competance & Homoeopathy
2. Dr. Sulu Japanies Encephalitis and its complications
April 2004 1. Dr. Pannalal dey Immunity and homoeopathy
2. Dr R.U.Deshpande Arthitis
3. Dr Manisha Salunke Stroke
May 2004 1. Dr Prashant mirshra Common childrens disorders
2. Dr Pathan Man in disease
3. Dr Shridhar kurup Doctor patient relationship
3rd August 2004 1. Dr. K.C. Shah ECG & Homoeopathy
2. Dr. M.U. Udchankar Group Study in Materia Medica
3. Dr. H.T. Gholap Liver diseases
4. Dr. Pargaonkar Hypertension
4th August 2004 1. Dr. Udchankar M.U. Group study in Materia Medica
2. Dr. Mangesh Jatkar Homoeopathic prescription in Acute Cases
3. Dr. J.D. Patil Importance of Group study & special emphasisi on ophidian group
5th August 2004 1. Dr C. J. Hiware Animal experimentation with homoeopathic drugs
2. Dr Udachankar Group study in Homoeopathic Materia Medica
17th & 18th October 2004 1. Dr S. M. Desarda Syllabus & scheme of examination in P.G. Homoeopathy
2. Dr J. D. Patil Importance of group study with special emphasis on Ophidia group & evaluation of Repertory
29th Jan. 2005 1. Dr Mahendra Singh Basics of Organon
2. Dr Lalit Verma Comments on basics of Organon
30th Jan. 2005 1. Dr S. R. Islam Basics of H.M.M.
2. Dr Tarun Chakraborty Evoluation & development of Organon
3.   Holistic concept and individualisation
4. Dr Pannalal Dey Totality of symptoms from Organon point of view
5.   Man in Disease
6. Dr Shoukat Ali Potentisation
7. Dr Mahendra Singh History of Medicine
31st Jan. 2005 1. Dr Lalit Chakravorty Role of vital force in Health, Disease & Cure
2. Dr Shrinath Rao How to study H.M.M.
3.   Building & construction of Repertory
4. Dr C. H. Ravindra Information regarding C.C.R.H.
5. Dr Premchand Verma Concordance Repertory: (Knerr’s Repertory & Gentry Repertory)
21st Feb. 2005 1. Dr Dr K.C. Shah Group study in Materia Medica
24th & 25th Feb. 2005 1. Dr Udachankar Approach to study Materia Medica
2.   Therpaeutics of Medicine & Paediatrics
15th Mar. 2005 1. Dr Prabhakar Shetty Diabetes Foot & Gangrene cases
1st April 2005 1. Dr Lalit Chakravorty Clinical Competence & its significance in clinical practice
2nd & 3rd April 2005 1. Dr S. M. Desarda Syllabus & examination pattern in P.G. Course
2. Dr P.C. Verma  
3. Dr Sudhir Kumar Prabhu  
4. Dr Nilima Aggrawal  
5. Dr Manohar Prasad  
6. Dr Suresh  
27th & 28th April 2005 1. Dr Pannalal Dey Dynamic & Holistic concept of health
2. Dr Lalit Chakravorty Methodology of thesis
3. Dr B. K. Mondal Plan, Construction & importance of Repertory
4. Dr P. B. Thombare Organon of Medicine
5. Dr Debnath Materia Medica Pura
13th & 14th May 2005 1. Dr Kulushekaran Ophidia Group & case presentation
2. Dr J. D. Patil Syllabus & curriculum of P.G. course
21st & 22nd June 2005 1. Dr K.C. Shah Respiratory diseases & homoeopathy
2. Dr Swati Shah Phatak’s Repertory
3. Dr Dewadia Substance abuse & Homeopathy
4. Dr Panigrahi History of Medicine
5. Dr Ankushe Biostatistics
29th & 30th Sept. 2005 1. Dr M. A. Udachankar Metal Group
2. Dr Jatin Walia Sports Medicine & Homoeopathy
3. Dr B. Jagannathan Surgery & Homoeopathy
4. Dr A. D. Nikam Clinical cases in Homoeopathy
5. Dr Anupama Murthy COPD –latest investigations & treatment
Oct. 2005 1. Dr Bagal Hyperactivity disorder in children & reportorial approach