For PG: 8857939888 / 8857936888
For UG BHMS: 8857939888 / 8857935888
The institution has various departments, viz. Materia Medica, Organon and Homoeopathic Philosophy, Repertory, Pharmacy, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Community Medicine, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medicine, and a Library, where new books are added from time to time. The departments are equipped with modern instruments and equipments as per the regulations laid down by the CCH. The different departments of the institution are being strengthened in phased manner by adding various teaching aids and materials such as instruments, equipments, specimens, models, slides, video cassettes, CDs, posters, charts, etc. The Seminar room is equipped with LCD Projectors, OHP and Slide Projector for audio visual Presentations. The institute is also actively engaged in research activities.
For training in pre-clinical subjects there are well-equipped laboratories in different departments. The Anatomy Department has a good museum containing specimens of different organs of the human body and models of different parts and regions of human body. It has a dissection hall where human dead bodies are dissected for the study. The Pathology Department is staffed by qualified personnel and deals with the practical education of students and also conducts different pathological tests for Outdoor and Indoor Patient Departments. There is automated technology including a computer and semi-automatic biochemical analyzer. The Materia Medica Department organizes live Materia Medica, chart formations and competitions from time to time thereby making the study of Materia Medica very comprehensive.
D.K.M.M. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital has functional Out Patient and Indoor Patient Departments. The growth of the departments is reflected by the phenomenal rise in patients’ attendance in O.P.D. A wide variety of medical and health care facilities are available in the O.P.D., viz. Medical, Surgical, Gynaecological, Skin, ENT, Eye, Physiotherapy, etc. where large number of patients are treated. All services and medicines are provided to the public free of cost.
The hospital is equipped with modern diagnostic equipments like 500mA X-Ray plant, ultrasonography machine, E.C.G. machines, Cardiac monitor, Spriometer, Audiometer, Autorefractometer, Slit-lamp, Synaptophore and a well-equipped biochemistry and pathology laboratory. Almost all the medicines prescribed by the doctors are available at the dispensary counter free of cost. The outdoor and indoor patient departments are managed by team of efficient doctors, registrars, house physicians, interns, nursing staff and paramedical personnel. Indoor Patient Department has 50 beds with separate male and female wards where doctors are available round the clock. The O.P.D. and I.P.D. facilities are also utilized for the clinical training of students and interns.
There are 12 different departments at D.K.M.M. Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital. These departments follow the CCH prescribed curriculum and work together in imparting education to the students. Each department has well developed laboratories.
The first day when a medical student looks at or places his hand on the patients, he requires knowledge of anatomy to interpret his observations. It is the anatomy department where he learns the basic knowledge of human body.
The department of anatomy comprises of separate dissection hall, museum and classroom.
There are a number of charts, models, specimens, bones and histology (tissue) slides for efficient tutoring of human anatomy.
20 – 25 students carry out dissection of the cadaver in the dissection hall.
The laboratory is fully equipped to provide the students with a comprehensive and practical approach towards one of the most important subjects of First BHMS curriculum.
The departmental library has various reference books apart from the central library collection.
An X-ray view box is also provided for the radiographic study and microscopes for the histological studies.
The Physiology & Biochemistry laboratory can accommodate 25 students for various experiments. A number of models and charts are displayed for students’ reference. As part of the curriculum students must perform certain hematology experiments to determine the total leukocyte count, differential leucocyte count, red blood cell count and hemoglobin concentration of blood. Students are to perform a number of biochemistry experiments i.e. estimation of abnormal constituents in urine for which regularly updated reagents and equipment is available. Techniques of measuring the blood pressure, taking ECG, BMR aretaught.
Materia Medica is the subject, which is taught from first year to final year. Department has progressed by adding various teaching aids and materials like 75 slides of medicinal plants, 12 video cassettes of lecture series of Materia Medica by eminent homoeopaths of India, 90 samples of drug substances.
The Department of Materia Medica aims at providing a sound knowledge of the effectiveness of homoeopathic drugs. The department has a good number of charts on display for the students’ reference. Regular workshops are conducted for the students by the faculty for facilitating them to prescribe medicines correctly and efficiently. Several books of related subjects are available for reference in the adjoined departmental library.
Students learn practical medicine action cash loans frankston prescription with the help of bedside clinical classes held weekly. Case-taking from a homoeopathic perspective, analysis and prescription are taught effectively. A research project on clinical drug proving has been commenced for increasing the present knowledge of drug’s actions and understanding the effects of new or relatively unknown drugs.
The department of organon of medicine instills the knowledge of the philosophy of homoeopathy. The department ensures that students gain a sound comprehension of the various principles laid down by the master Dr. Hahnemann himself in the form of doctrines or aphorisms. The association of philosophy into clinical practice is a demanding task, which is fulfilled with the help of various descriptive clinical classes held weekly. The department gives a chance of open discussion to the students through tutorials and seminars. There are also a number of charts depicting ideas that are central to organon for easy comprehension of students. Students also have access to a departmental library with books related to philosophy for their quick reference. In concurrence with the prescribed curriculum students get hands on experience on how to incorporate the ideals of philosophy of homoeopathic medicine with clinical and prescription skills.
The department of pharmacy can occupy 25 students at a single instance of time for the preparation of medicines taught to the students as part of their curriculum. The department is well equipped with essential requirements for conducting practical classes. Students are taught the method of producing mother tinctures and medicines by the method of trituration and potentization. The pharmacy lab also boasts of a large number of charts, specimens and catalogues bearing short descriptions of various sources of drugs. With few visits to renowned Homoeopathic Medicine Manufacturing Industries, the students are made aware of the method of large scale drug production. A departmental library ensures that students have access to books particularly in relation to pharmacy.
The department of pathology is equipped with monocular microscope, incubator, hot air oven, and various chemicals. To understand pathology in a better way, gross specimens have been displayed and special equipments such as computer attached microscope are used for teaching. The pathology department can occupy 25 students at a single instance of time for conducting practical classes. It also has a large number of charts, specimens and catalogues bearing short descriptions. A departmental library ensures that Departmental Staff / students have an easy access to books.
The Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Dept has various specimens, weapons and charts on display at its museum. Apart from the above, students are supposed to visit the mortuary for demonstrations of post mortem procedures. Students can refer to the departmental library for books pertaining to forensic medicine and toxicology.
The Department of Surgery offers a range of academic surgical programs, organized according to the prescribed curriculum and comprising of theory and clinical sections. The department is supported by a minor as well as major OT for basic operative procedures in accordance with the requirements of BHMS course. Students are required to study cases of in-house patients (pertaining to surgical procedures) and present the same for clinical classes held thrice a week. They learn to study, examine, analyze, investigate and diagnose cases in both IPD and OPD. A weekly Ophthalmology, ENT and surgical OPD is conducted at the hospital where students get further exposure to various clinical conditions pertaining to the same. A research project “Efficacy of Homoeopathy in Renal Stones & Gall Stones” is presently in progress. A good number of patients are part of the said project and have been benefited from homoeopathic treatment of their complaints.
The Gynaecology and obstetrics department imparts basic necessary training in the subject.
A daily Gynae & Obs OPD ensures adequate cases to be presented for clinical training of students.
The students are taught how complete gynecological examination is performed.
Students are also trained on performing complete antenatal check ups on pregnant women who attend the OPD.
IUCD insertion and MTP procedures are demonstrated at the adjoined OT.
As interns, they are deputed to a local maternity center to learn to conduct normal vaginal deliveries and also observe conduction of caesarean section deliveries.
With further development, there shall be provision of conducting normal deliveries within the department labor room and postnatal care in labor ward in the near future.
Extensive research work in fibroids, fibroadenomas, and polycystic ovarian disease is being done. positive results have been obtained with the homoeopathic therapy.
The Dept of Medicine inculcates clinical knowledge in students with the help of various CD and cassette lectures available for teaching subjects like cardiology and dermatology, emergency, etc. Complete general and systemic examination of patients is taught. The students are taught about x-ray, ultrasounds, ECG, in respect to normal and abnormal interpretations.
The department of community medicine provides a platform for clinical education at the primary health care front. For better comprehension of the same there are various models, charts and specimens. Apart from theory lectures, students are also involved in certain health programmes like Pulse Polio immunization where they play an active participatory role. As part of the curriculum, students are required to perform assisted educational visits to Infectious Diseases Hospital, Sewage treatment plant and School Health Service providing schools. The department also plays a key role in creating awareness regarding the latest primary health concerns in both the staff as well as the students. As a part of its community outreach programme, SHMC has adopted Kusumpur Pahari slum, where health camp is organized every Monday. The camp is attended by Incharge Department of community medicine, interns and students.